3 Reasons To Add A Patio Area To Your Commercial Landscaping

If you own your commercial property here in the Jacksonville area, you may think of commercial landscaping as a necessary evil. Unlike residential properties, an office building or store is a place of business, not a place where people live. This means that they often tend to be more sparing when it comes to commercial…

The 3 Most Important Elements of Commercial Landscaping

Nothing says “Welcome” quite like an attractive, clean, and easily accessible entrance to your establishment. For retail establishments, making people comfortable while drawing them in is imperative to doing business; probably more than most other factors. Think about it: if they aren’t attracted to your business, they won’t have the chance to find out how…


The Importance of Curb Appeal at Your Business

Commercial landscaping is the grooming of a business establishment to enhance its physical appeal. C & L Landscaping adds so much more than just a physical appeal to businesses. We focus on the details and leave no stone un-turned. We seek to increase your revenue and attraction to your business through commercial landscaping. Customers highly…